On this page you will find project updates. 

GUM student workshop, November 9, 2023 /

Object-based teaching and learning (OBTL) is a student-centered approach. For instance, in OBTL, students and educators are encouraged to work together as partners and co-producers of knowledge (Lelkes, 2019). In this process, students rely on their own knowledge and experiences. These are elements which are considered key in making OBTL a more inclusive pedagogical approach. 

However, in practice, this potential is not always realized as  (1) students’ voices and experiences are often overlooked, and (2)  educators and curators struggle when it comes to making their practices more inclusive. To take a first step towards bridging these gaps, Things That Talk (TTT) in collaboration with the Ghent University Museum (GUM) organized a workshop for the museum student team (MuST) on November 9th, 2023.

Read up about this workshop >>>

Universeum Conference, July 6, 2023 /

At the 2023 Universeum conference, the Working Group Digital Initiatives organized another workshop about object-based teaching and learning (OBTL), as part of the Erasmus+ project “Teaching With Objects”. 

Divided into four groups, participants first created four personas representing one of the key actors involved in teaching with objects, namely: a teacher, a curator, a student, and a head of department. The four characters created were presented to the other participants, who had the opportunity to write down questions they wanted to ask these personas about their practices, potential challenges, and so on. The workshop ended with a roleplay session during which each persona presented their answer to some of these questions, followed by discussions. 

Read up about this workshop >>>

Stichting Academisch Erfgoed - Things That Talk workshop, January 26, 2023 /

Situated in The Netherlands, Stichting Academisch Erfgoed (SAE) is the leading network organization that brings together the institutions and the professionals that engage with academic heritage (e.g. museums, universities, academic libraries). On 26 January, together with Stichting Things That Talk (TTT), SAE organized a workshop revolving around teaching with objects; a win win: Things That Talk brought objects to advance the thinking about interdisciplinary pedagogy in the teaching with objects, also giving us direct and indirect feedback on our Erasmus+ project.

Read up about this workshop >>>

Ghent workshop on evolution, December 12, 2022 /

All individual members taken together, our project team has decades of experience in teaching with objects. Naturally, our team tries to seize the opportunities to attend each other's lessons. On 12 December Things That Talk (TTT) and Stichting Academisch Erfgoed  (SAE) had the chance to partake in a teaching workshop by our project partner Dominick VERSCHELDE at the GUM (Ghent University Museum). Not as observers, but as actual students. Topic of the morning was 'evolution'.

Read about what we've learnt >>>

Leiden project meeting, Teaching with objects July 4 and 5, 2022 /

On 5.12.2022 and 6.12.2022, the project team of Teaching with Objects gathered in Leiden for two full days of brainstorming. Goal was to (1) share the first outcomes of our research, interviews with teachers and lesson observations (presentation); and (2) to build on that knowledge, and, more specifically, place ourselves in the position of those individuals and groups that - both directly and indirectly - could benefit from our work and our 'product'.

Read about what we've learnt >>>

Teaching with objects July 4 and 5, 2022 /

On July 4 and 5 2022 our project team had the opportunity to learn from experts in the field of object-based teaching and learning, as well as from teaching professionals who are new(er) to this field. Both groups provided us with equally valuable insights. What follows is a short reflection on the meetings. The expert meeting was planned one day before the kick-off of the 2022 Universeum Conference. The July 5 meeting was part of the conference, and was thus able to reach a wide audience of professionals in the field of academic heritage.

Read about the expert meeting on July 4, 2022 >>>

Read about our meeting on July 5, 2022 >>>